Welcome to the Home Page of St. Vladimir Church! 

Today's Date According to the Church (Old) Calendar:

Regular Services:
Saturday Vigil: 6:00 p.m. (Except Pascha)
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. (Except Pascha)

Full Service Schedule:

Phone: (734) 475-4590
Address: 9900 Jackson Rd., Dexter, MI 48130-9426
Click for Directions | Google Map

Mother Macrina Visit Thank You! 
24/1/15, 02:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Thank you to all who made the visit of Mother Macrina to our Church School on Saturday, January 17 such a great success! Mother Macrina was able to join us on Saturday afternoon to discuss monasticism with our children and parents – and it was really a wonderful discussion! The presentation was interesting and the questions from the children and parents afterwards added greatly to the value of Mother Macrina's visit. If you haven't yet registered you child for Church School please do so! After the Divine Services this is the most important ministry of our parish – to raise and strengthen our children in their faith. Registration information can be found at this link – please join us!

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/church ... onform.pdf
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Teen Youth Group Meets Sunday - Wii Tournament! 
24/1/15, 10:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Of course we will discuss spiritual things as we always do, but this time instead of board games we will play the Wii. Topic of the discussion is: “Being/Choosing a Godparent – Rights and Responsibilities”. This group will soon be old enough to be asked to be Godparents, and although somewhat in the future they will have to choose Godparents. This is not a small thing - in fact it is a really BIG thing. Please join us! RSVP to Fr. Gregory so we'll know the right amount of snacks to have ready!
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St. Tatiana Commemorated Tonight & Tomorrow 
24/1/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please join us at St. Vladimir's for the annual commemoration of the Martyr Tatiana. Many of our parishioners are blessed to bear this name and we congratulate them and their families with the feast! Please learn more about St. Tatiana at the links below and please join us for Vigil tonight at 6:00 p.m. and Divine Liturgy tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.!


http://oca.org/saints/lives/2015/01/12/ ... d-with-her


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Theophany Weekend Thank You! 
23/1/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Thank you to all who worked so hard to make our Theophany weekend such a success at St. Vladimir's! From the Royal Hours on Friday evening to Monday's festal Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of the Waters many, many people contributed to the successful celebration of this very theologically significant feast and we thank you all! Look for pictures on Face Book and videos on You Tube, with a full photo array coming soon on our parish photo album page! The next of the twelve great feasts of the Church Year is the Meeting of the Lord on February 15. Please plan to join us then (and often between now and then)!
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Forecast for Sunday 
23/1/15, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
The forecast for Sunday is for some snow: 1-3 inches. This long from now there is no telling what the weather will be since things could change between now and then. That being said, this is a good opportunity to share our Inclement Weather Policy, which is found below. Please contact Fr. Gregory with questions.


Inclement Weather Policy
Approved by St. Vladimir Church Parish Council February 21, 2005

In case of inclement weather St. Vladimir’s parishioners are urged to use caution and their best judgment when deciding whether to travel to the parish church for Divine Services. If the priest is able to reach the church the Divine Services will be conducted, but if parishioners perceive the driving conditions to be dangerous they should not feel compelled to travel to church.
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Souper Bowl is February 1 
23/1/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) will hold its 17th annual Souper Bowl of Caring on Sunday, February 1. On that day we are asking all our of St. Vladimir's family to bring non-perishable food items to the Divine Liturgy. At the end of the Liturgy our young people will collect all the food donations and we will in turn provide these to Food Gatherers of Ann Arbor, an excellent agency which helps many in need. Don't miss the fun! Be part of the Souper Bowl and help those in need on this day when billions of dollars are spent on Super Bowl parties alone. If we can spend that much as a society on entertainment can we not spend at least as much on those in need? Let's do our part at St. Vladimir's!

More information on IOCC here:


More information on Food Gatherers here:


For information on IOCC associated activities in our parish and to learn how you can help, please see our IOCC liaison, Maria Edwards.
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First Week of Great Lent Schedule Available - Great Lent Begins February 23 
22/1/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Please find the schedule of services for the first week of Great Lent at St. Vladimir's at the link below:

http://stvladimiraami.org/flyers/firstw ... tflyer.pdf

Please join us for as many of these services as your schedule allows! It is important to get a good start to Great Lent so that we utilize the precious few days of this special time of year to the greatest extent possible for our spiritual good. This is why we have many services the first week - to allow such a good start for all our parish family!

PLEASE NOTE: The unique liturgical character of Great Lent is found in the non-Sunday services of this time of year. Thus, all are urged, to the greatest extent possible, to attend the weekday services in addition to the Sunday services. It is understood that not every parishioner can attend every service. But we do hope that many parishioners make a special effort to attend as many of the weekday services as they can.

Please contact Fr. Gregory or Fr. Michael with questions about this or other spiritual matters.
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Orthodox Summer Camps – Plan NOW to Attend this Summer! 
21/1/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Now is the time to plan to send your children to an Orthodox Summer camp! We remind you NOW, so that as you plan your child's summer, you will be sure to include this important aspect of forming an Orthodox consciousness in your child's life. Last year we had a nice turnout of young people from our parish participate in both the Valdimirovo and Ruskoka camps. And honestly these are really the two best camps out there – Fr. Gregory recommends them both highly! Vladimirovo is the our diocesan camp. Ruskoka is the Canadian diocese's camp. You can learn more about these camps at the links below. PARENTS: please take some time NOW and review this information! Once registration opens these camps will fill up quickly and you don't want to miss your change to register your child.





There are three other Orthodox camps that you may want to consider and which may be more convenient for your family: St. Seraphim's Camp, NORR, and ORUR. These are the other three camps associated with the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in the eastern half of North America. More information below:

St. Seraphim's Camp:






Please contact Fr. Gregory or Karl Meyer with questions. Our parish STRONGLY supports Orthodox Camps – please join us in that support!
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YIKES – Great Lent is Coming Soon! 
20/1/15, 06:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Those who have had a chance to look at this year's annual calendar have no doubt noticed that Great Lent is coming soon! That is not a bad thing by any means, and it is good for us in a way to see those Lenten days coming and to prepare for them. A few things to note:

- The schedule for the first week will include three days of the full cycle of services beginning at 8:00 a.m.: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

- We will hold our Great Lenten Lecture Series again this year. We are working out details with our keynote speaker and once we have done that we will release the full schedule of lectures. As always there will be a lecture each of the Sundays of Great Lent.

- Vespers will be held on Sundays after the Great Lenten Lecture on March 1, 15, and 29. This is a very beautiful service that transitions us liturgically from the weekend back to the Great Lenten weekday paradigm, including the chanting of the Great Prokimenon. This will be the first year that we serve this service and we invite all to participate!

- We intend to serve Presanctified Liturgies on most Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings of the fast – more details to come soon
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House Blessings Began January 19 
20/1/15, 06:00 AM
Posted by Fr. Gregory
Each year following the feast of the Theophany (the Lord’s Baptism – January 19) it is a traditional and pious custom to have one’s home blessed by the priest. Homes are blessed at St. Vladimir’s through the fifth week of Great Lent. Please fill in your name below on a date and time that work for you at this link:


Please contact Fr. Gregory, Fr. Michael, or Fr. Joseph to schedule a house blessing or if the times listed do not work for you. If you live far from St. Vladimir’s please consult with those other parishioners of St. Vladimir’s who live near you so that you can all have your homes blessed on the same evening. Congratulations to all with the feast of our Lord’s Baptism!
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